Our passed Events, Meetings, Pictures
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Kieth & Family visited Mount St. Michel May 25, 2007

Kieth & Family visited Royal Chateaux at Amboise France May 26, 2007

Winter 2007 New Yorker Reunion
To enlarge picture, just click on it.

December 2006, Our Teacher 張春煦 visited HK pictures

August 2006, Hanson visited HK pictures

October 2006, mini reunion at the Taipei 101

August 2006 Toronto Area Sunrisers Dinner Party
Wine, courtesy of Raymond Mo 毛紀範





HK Sunrisers visited California November, 2005 pictures.

To enlarge picture, just click on it.

October 2005 Toronto Sunrisers mini reunion pictures

Standing: 劉潤渝(TW); 毛紀範; 尹玉麟; Mr. Wong; 蕭蔭權; 黃志宏(TW); 余凡(CA); 洪邁俊; 莫杖裘; 程慶生
Sitting: 朱競翔; 廖耀琦(PA); 孫美蓮; 陶繼瑛; 鄭愛華(TW); 余兆文; 劉仕憲(NY)

Standing: 劉潤渝之女 Renee; 劉潤渝; 謝大山; 廖耀琦; 毛紀範; 尹玉麟; Mr. Wong; 蕭蔭權; 黃志宏; 洪邁俊; 余凡; 莫杖裘; 陶繼瑛之夫; 余兆文; 劉仕憲; 程慶生; 朱競翔
Sitting: 謝大山之妻; 朱競翔之妻; 孫美蓮; 陶繼瑛; 鄭愛華; 莫杖裘之妻; 余兆文之妻; 程慶生之妻; 劉仕憲之妻; 洪邁俊之妻;

程慶生 Hanson Cheng visited California August, 2005 pictures

To enlarge picture, just click on it

毛紀範 Ray Mo visited NYC July 30, 2005 pictures

To enlarge picture, just click on it

A Message From Our President
Dear Fellow Sunrisers:

Our class president 楊康裔 and I spent years in the same classroom 
but we learned differently. I did not and will never learn to write like he. 
The following article is a perfect example which is not only enlightening 
to read but carries one important message – no one should miss 
the Mother-of–Reunions, 2007 in Hong Kong. It is promised to be the most 
spectacular ever. Therefore, I urge everyone to keep the reunion in mind 
when planning your personal agendas for 2007. Tentatively it is planned 
to be held in the last quarter. Please visit this site often for periodical 
updates as well as all class related matters.

See you all in ’07,

Jay Dien

    謝                        楊康裔
平日蟄居鄉曲,飲"玉冰燒",津津有味,譽為珍品。自從放洋外國,嘗過'拔籣地', 飄飄然如墮九
宵雲外。同是買醉,環境改变,感受亦變矣。故所以韓非子謂 " 世異則事異;事異則備變 " 也。
"Made in USA",改用洋名,寫幾行洋字。顯得與眾不同。同是一塊木牌,產地不同,文字
獸,出於其類,拔乎其萃。令人耳目一新,如入芝蘭之室,芳芬四溢。正是 "皇帝添丁擺滿月酒,臣無

Some Hong Kong Sunriser’s visit to Shunde, Canton, China. July 2005 (中國廣東省順德)

Gathering with Lau Sai Lam 劉茜琳 on June 9, 2005

Gathering with Chu Siu Ying 朱肇英 on June 22, 2005

Proud Mom

Congratulation! 宋允娟 Cherry

Andrew Lin was receiving his PHD in Electrical Enginerring from Stanford University

2004 SF Reunion pictures from Robert Au 區榮光

May 2005 Hong Kong Sunrisers Dinner Party pictures

Please click the following to view two distinguished Sunrisers.
Albert Yee, 加州傳訊研究院落成 華裔余凡博士當家
王世全, Roderick Wong receives French houour

September 2004 San Francisco Reunion

Thank you for your warm hospitality.
The Magnificent Nine, our San Francisco Reunion Planning Committee members.

From left to right:
Standing : Wong Kok Kee 王曲奇;  David Li 李仲尼;  Bob Woo 吳秉渝;  Laurence Liu 劉樹漢
Sitting : Jay Dien 田玉樹;  Cherry Lin 宋允娟;  Eddy Wu 吳靄悌;  Bill Lau 劉煥文
Not in picture: Percy Pang 彭耀國

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